The Supreme Court has ruled time and
time again that the government must be careful when it comes to
controlling speech or freedom of expression. Despite these rulings
the Federal Communications Commission continues to place limits on
speech. There are certain words that cannot be said on broadcast
television, while the same words are allowed on premium channels that
air only on cable or satellite.
They believe that broadcast television
should be family appropriate. The FCC can create regulation that has
the same weight as law. They can issue fines and penalties for
violations. My wonderment lies with people that rant about smaller
government and then encourages the FCC to create even stricter
regulations on television and movie content.
The government cannot legislate
morality. The government can't decide on a budget, much less what is
or isn't moral. Morality is objective. Many people read the bible and
come up with completely different definitions of morality. The
SCOTUS has decided that morality should be set by community
standards. If any government is to legislate morality, it must be
Anyone that dares call themselves a
member of the Tea Party or a small government Constitutionalists, they
cannot demand the federal government regulate morality in any
capacity. In the end, it's the parents' responsibility to decide what
their children watch or don't watch. Every television or DVD player
comes with an off button. Any parent that lets government take over
parenting, then they are no parent.
If someday your child murders someone
with a gun, it won't be because of a movie, a video game, or even a
lack or morality. Good people often do bad things. Letting the
government legislate morality will not lessen crime. The only thing
that can lessen crime is a good parent.
The moral to this little diatribe is to
think twice anytime you believe expanding government power will solve
a problem. There are isolated communities where the police almost
never go. These areas are so remote that most laws don't apply. You
will find crime almost nonexistent. You can travel to Utah where they
get the same movies, television programming, games, and find far less
crime than other areas of the country. The reason is simple, parents
are parenting.
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